Why Cyberbullying Is Such A Big Problem On Social Media.

Udalova Olga
2 min readOct 12, 2022


Hi, everyone! Nowadays the problem of cyberbullying is widespread among all generations. I think that every active user of social media such as Instagram, VK or FaceBook is warned about the possibility of being harassed, insulted or embarrassed by someone unknown.

I’ll provide the definition for better understanding of this issue: cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

Victims of cyberbullying can experience wide-ranging effects, including mental health issues, poor academic performance, a desire to drop out of school, and even suicidal ideation. Bullies themselves are also at an increased risk of issues such as substance abuse and experiencing violence. When I was in middle school I witnessed how my classmate had been bullied by local “daredevil”. It was so disturbing that I couldn't help defending my friend. Some time passed, and I realised that even the minor detail in your appearance or manner of speech could be triggering for bullies. I am glad that I wasn't afraid to confront the bully, because her actions were ignorant and violent. The first thing to do is to mentally support the object of bullying. Moreover, you shouldn't be afraid to become unwelcome or considered “rude” when placing the boundaries between you and a bully. The truth is that usually bullies are really insecure, jealous and unhappy with their life, and they think that their state gives the right to mock on others. And finally, you can always block and unfollow people who are mean to you. I am strongly convinced that social media politics is well-developed and we should always keep in mind that the life people post there is unrealistic and somehow even fake.

Speaking about the punishment, there should be a really big fine and community work and group therapy. That would be the key to preventing cases of cyberbullying.

that’s all for now, take care and remember that you are loved!



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