2 min readMay 16, 2021
Symbols in “Dracula”
Hi guys! Today I want to share some of the most interesting symbols that I’ve noticed on my PR book.
“Dracula” is very mystic and classic novel,and it’s obvious that author used some details to make the plot more authentic. Here is some of it:
A little silver whistle- Dr Van Helsing have one to protect himself from hazardous power of Dracula. It is well know that silver cross,gun or bullets could kill evil.
A wreath of withered garlic blossoms.- Here’s another thing that could be dangerous for vampire- garlic. The smell and juice of garlic could save your life,if you put it on your bedroom door or on your neck.
A golden crucifix- it is well known that vampires couldn’t stomach Christian symbols,especially crosses.
And also,here is some new vocabulary:
Fracture-A fracture is a slight crack or break in something, especially a bone трещина
Suffuse – to spread over or through in the manner of fluid or light заполнение
Suspense-the feeling of excitement or nervousness тревога ожидания