Story with idioms
When the sun went down, he discovered himself in a dense thicket of the forest. Scotty has never been a good boy; however, he could come across as an intelligent laddie but still a huge troublemaker. His actions were controversial, his words – campy though absent-minded. The neighbor of Thompson’s family, Mr. Freeman once put it well about this tomboy: “Like father like son: being a laid-back chatterbox has never done anyone a favor in this life”.
Everybody remembers how specifically it all began. Somebody among the young decided to show-off before their peers and went to the forest alone in the twilight darkness. After they never come back, Scotty was a happy camper to repeat this homicidal adventure. As it was said, a boaster like his father, he could never lose a chance to do it. Now he is here, shaking in his boots and scared stiff. Nothing was left after that cheerful, blusterous brat. A cold fish- that’s how he looked like now. All alone, with the feeling that somebody is watching him constantly.