Udalova Olga
2 min readApr 15, 2024

Continuing my exploration of “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner beyond the initial pages, I found myself immersed in a world of intricate storytelling and profound emotional depth. With each turn of the page, the novel revealed new layers of complexity and poignant insights into the Compson family’s intertwined destinies.

As the narrative unfolded, Faulkner’s masterful prose continued to captivate me, weaving a tapestry of fragmented memories and shifting perspectives. Quentin’s section provided a stark contrast to Benjy’s disjointed narrative, offering a glimpse into a troubled mind consumed by guilt and obsession. The intricate interior monologues and intricate temporal shifts added a layer of depth to the characters and their inner struggles, inviting me to delve deeper into the complexities of their psyches.

One notable observation from the subsequent pages was Faulkner’s exploration of the themes of time and memory through the lens of different characters. Quentin’s unraveling mental state and fixation on the past highlighted the novel’s profound meditation on the weight of history and the fleeting nature of existence. The juxtaposition of past and present, reality and memory, underscored the characters’ internal conflicts and the broader themes of decay and disintegration that permeate the narrative.

Interesting Vocabulary:

Maelstrom : A powerful whirlpool in the sea or river; a situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil.

Cacophony : A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.

Labyrinthine : Complicated and confusing, like a maze; intricate and convoluted.

Surreptitious : Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.

Ephemeral : Lasting for a very short time; transitory.

In conclusion, my continued journey through “The Sound and the Fury” deepened my appreciation for Faulkner’s narrative complexity and thematic richness. The novel’s exploration of memory, identity, and the passage of time resonated with me on a profound level, prompting reflection on the transient nature of human existence and the enduring power of the past. As I eagerly anticipate further unraveling the Compson family’s saga, I look forward to discovering the hidden truths and poignant revelations that lie ahead in this literary masterpiece.

