My love for cinematogrophy!

Udalova Olga
2 min readFeb 7, 2023


Movies have always been my favorite thing for leisure time. When I was a little girl, my mother had bought a DVD player and some discs with cartoons and goood old Soviet movies. I was tickled to death when I got a cassette with ‘Shrek’, and that day became a core memory for me. And today I enjoy going to the movies alone or with my friends, or arranging movie nights. I think I watch 1 movie per week or two, because it helps me with relaxing and reducing stress.

I can’t say that I am a crazy movie lover, but I have quite a distinctive taste and I noticed that my favourite movies have similar features.


For me, music helps me to dive into the plot, suspence and feelings of movie characters. With the help of composer, people feel a spectre of emotions. My playlist contains a bunch of instrumental tracks from classic jazz comedies, indie horrors and dramas.


Movies is a great way to see the beauty of the world. I dive into opening scenes with landscapes shot from the bird’s eye view. Combined with music, nature creates a complex art installation.


I personally enjoy charming and handsome personalities in Hollywood and the world of cinematography. Cast directors doing their best to find naturally beautiful and attractive people. I am sure that appearance could speak for the person and it helps to accomplish the picture.

Old Hollywod

My favourite aesthetic surrounding the movies, music, and fashion popular from the 1930’s to the 1960’s. It draws you into a time before and make forget about the current things happening.It brings me back into a time where everything felt simpler.



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