My discoveries and achievements of the last 4 days
Hi,friends! Today I want to talk about some interesting things that happened to me.
Firstly,let’s talk about the coolest topic of the whole semester- food. I learned a lot of cool vocabulary and idioms. Also, I refreshed my knowledge about names of different kinds of meat,fish,pastries, and dairy products. I watched “The Devil Wears Prada” with Meryl Streep and Anne Heatway, and I loved it! The film was full of the real life of the fashion industry. And all of the actors did a great job.
I love cooking, and we had a great opportunity to show our cooking skills to our teachers😋 I learned how to cook one of the most popular American dishes- French Toasts! And I showed my groupmates my family avocado toast recipe:)) I did a big translation work. Sometimes it could be quite boring,but this time we were asked to translate our personality description,and I had a lot of fun with it!
That’s all for now,stay tuned!