I’m sophomore now!
Hi,everyone! Today I want to share with you the impressions of my first month of studying!
Well, I had a great summer break and I was quite depressed at the beginning of my second year at LUNN. But anyway, now I’m happy to learn and explore new disciplines and get acquainted with hew people and professors!
I was surprised how easy studying is for me now! I am not stressed out anymore and I hope this feeling will last as long as possible. Things became more systemised, because I started to draw mind maps. And also we discussed burnout issue a few days ago,and now I know how to cope with anxiety and panic attacks, because my sweet group mates taught me some. breathing techniques and psychological exercises.
The most significant thing of my second year is Spanish language! When I’ve just started to learn it,by brain and mouth we’re messed up,because alphabet and phonetics are completely different from English and French. Our professors is very nice and creative and I’m happy when she tries to entertain us with cool stories or funny pictures.
Every autumn I always feel empty and numb, but great people around me and productive studies make me a little bit happier.
Hasta luego, amigos!