If I had a chance to meet Dracula…
Well, if only I had a single chance to meet Dracula,I’d like to ask him this 3 questions:
Does he feel guilt about all of the disgusting things that he have done?
Does he love somebody in sincere way?
Does he want to become a Christian and be baptised?
And here I have some new words:
To shrink from smth [ʃrɪŋk] – to avoid smth (уклоняться, уходить от)
to dread [drɛd] – to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen (опасаться, страшиться)
unconsciously [ənˈkɑnʃəsli] – without being aware of what you are doing (неосознанно, бессознательно)
outrageous [aʊtˈreɪdʒəs] – shocking and morally unacceptable (возмутительно)
one’s heart sinks [hɑɚt] [sɪŋks] – to feel disappointed or to lose hope